You are hereby kindly requested to submit papers or articles for SAfAIDS
News newsletter. The newsletter targets:
- professionals working in the HIV/AIDS sector
- staff in ASOs, NGOs, FBOs, government bodies, UN agencies and
universities in the region
- policy makers
- Community based organisations
Areas of interest are:
- HIV/AIDS and the workplace
- Stigma and discrimination
- Access to treatment and care
However, topics are not restricted to the topics mentioned above. In the
selection of articles, SAfAIDS will place an emphasis on gender, human
rights and development as crosscutting issues.
There are four categories of articles. These are:
- Features: are analytical articles focusing on HIV/AIDS related
issues and policy.
- Current and ongoing research.
- Project activities: explore project/programme information on
critical lessons learnt.
- Best practices: explore interventions that have worked
elsewhere and can be replicated
Articles can be sent together with good photographs and should be a
maximum of 2 000 words. Kindly try to avoid scientific language for the
sake of our general readership. Contributions should be in either
English and/or Portuguese. The next deadline will be July 16 2004.
Please inform us if the articles have been submitted/ published
SAFAIDS reserves the right to edit all articles. An honorarium will be
given for published articles only. SAfAIDS News can be accessed on the
SAfAIDS website:
For more information contact:
Eliezer F. Wangulu
Senior programme officer: publications