UNAIDS Launches Progress Report
By Gloria Katusiime in Nairobi
The UN Secretary General and the Joint United Nations Program on
HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has released a report, which clearly states
that the current pace of country activity on HIV/AIDS is insuffi-
cient to meet the 2005 goals agreed by all nations at the Special
session on HIV/AIDS in 2001.
The report was released at the ongoing international conference
on AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases taking place in Nairobi
In 2001 at a special session of the United General Assembly on
HIV/AIDS, One hundred and three countries agreed to focus their
commitment on HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment of AIDS so that
by the year 2015, the UN millennium Development goal, which is to
reverse the epidemic, would have been achieved.
But according to the report, the UNAIDS Executive Director Peter
Piot says this will not be possible unless significantly greater
and sustained commitment is made by governments in fighting the
The report highlights countries' lack of response in many areas
including the lack of HIV/AIDS legislation, the low coverage of
HIV/AIDS antiretroviral therapy and the misappropriation of re-
While launching the report, Michel Sibide, Director of Country
and regional Support Department with UNAIDS said the biggest
challenge facing countries affected with AIDS is how to move from
advocacy to Action.
One of the issues, which came out strongly at the launch of the
report was the misappropriation of resources and the lack of ade-
quate monitoring facilities.
"Even though a lot of money has been mobilized, it is not enough
to reach the grass roots" Sibide said.
He refrained from accusing governments of corruption but said the
challenge of resources was great.
Since 1999 the money allocated in the fight against AIDS has dou-
bled from about 400 million to over 1 billion US dollars in 2003.
The report recommends strongly for the implementation of a com-
prehensive package of HIV prevention services that guarantee ac-
cess to vulnerable groups, the implementation of sound HIV/AIDS
policies in all countries affected with AIDS and a wider coverage
of Antiretroviral therapy.
"Accelerating Action against AIDS in Africa"
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