"The Pop Reporter" Launches Customized Edition
"The Pop Reporter," The INFO Project's weekly e-zine for the world's
reproductive health care professional, announces the launch of the new
customized edition. This state-of-the-art feature allows subscribers to
customize their subscriptions, tailoring issues to both topic and delivery
preferences. Now subscribers may choose from among 17 categories of the
most important concerns of the world's reproductive health community today:
* Family Planning/Reproductive Health Research and News
* Family Planning/Reproductive Health Law and Policy
* HIV/AIDS Research and News
* Maternal and Child Health Research and News
* Men's Health Research and News
* Population Research and News
* Women's Health Research and News
* Youth Health Research and News
* Book Reviews
* Special Reports/Profiles/Resources
Issues may be delivered in one of the following four formats:
* .pdf file attachment
* .html file attachment
* a plain text e-mail
* an e-mail notification with a web link to your customized issue.
Two special features have also been added:
* Guest Editorials from leading reproductive health and family planning
researchers, program managers, and policy makers; and
* Updates to the CIRE (Continuous Identification of Research Evidence)
database, a system that identifies articles with study objectives that
reflect topics addressed by WHO's Medical Eligibility Criteria for
Contraceptive Use or the Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive
In a recent survey, Pop Reporter subscribers said "The Pop Reporter" was a
most important electronic information source for:
* Remaining informed
* Learning news of important new developments
* Keeping abreast of current research
Now we've made it even easier for you to keep informed of the issues that
are most important to you. Sign up for the new Pop Reporter at:
Robert Jacoby
Editor, "The Pop Reporter"