Conference info is online: Training in Africa
Best Practices, Lessons Learned and Future Directions
7 - 9 May 2003
Nairobi, Kenya
The Training in Africa: Best Practices, Lessons Learned and Future
Directions conference information is now available online. On the
website you can-:
* Read about the conference
* Register for the conference and sign up for workshops
* Find information about hotel registration
* Link to the hotel's website
* See the conference agenda
* Print out the conference brochure
Please register for the conference and hotel rooms early as there is
interest in this conference and space is limited to 200. Also, the
hotel is holding 100 rooms for now, so register early. You can go di-
rectly to the conference page or access the conference section from
our home page as shown below:
Conference Main Page:
JHPIEGO Home Page:
Please forward this information to others who may be interested in
attending this important conference.
Here is some additional information about the conference:
The focus of the conference will be to examine best training prac-
tices used in international healthcare settings, with particular em-
phasis on family planning and reproductive health in Africa. In addi-
tion, training practices that have been employed successfully in sec-
tors other than healthcare will be examined and discussed for their
applicability to reproductive health programs. The conference is be-
ing organized by the JHPIEGO Corporation's Training in Reproductive
Health project in collaboration with the Office of Population and Re-
productive Health of the United States Agency for International De-
velopment (USAID) and a number of USAID Cooperating Agencies.
Training is one of the primary interventions for improving the per-
formance of healthcare workers in Africa. What do we know about ef-
fective training? We know that training occurs as part of most ef-
forts to strengthen healthcare systems and improve the quality of
services. We know that training comes in many sizes and shapes, in-
cluding classroom-based learning, distance learning, self-directed
learning, technology-assisted learning and on-the-job training. We
know that training is applied across a broad range of content areas
including management, quality assurance, logistics, community educa-
tion, and clinical. So how do we know effective training when we see
it? What practices, processes and approaches work best for family
planning and reproductive health in international settings?
The goal of this conference is to examine training practices identi-
fied as best based on objective data, to share lessons learned from
implementing training in a variety of settings, and to look at the
horizon to see what the future holds for training in Africa.
During the 3-day conference we will have a number of skill-building
workshops, general session speakers and approximately 40 concurrent
session speakers for an audience of about 150-200. Concurrent ses-
sions will be designed for 25-30 conference attendees each and will
be 90 minutes in length. The skill-building workshops will be held on
the first day of the conference, will be 3-hours in length and will
focus on key training skills.
This conference is designed for individuals who have responsibilities
for the programming, design, delivery and evaluation of training in-
terventions to improve worker performance, with a focus on family
planning and reproductive health in Africa. Conference attendees may
include trainers, instructional designers, materials developers, fa-
cilitators, program managers and evaluators.
Note that English is the official language of the conference and that
translation services will not be available.
Direct questions about the conference to:
Rick Sullivan
Director of Learning and Performance Support
JHPIEGO Corporation
1615 Thames Street
Baltimore, MD 21231-3492, USA
Tel: +1-410-537-1931
Fax: +1-410-537-1476