2nd National Multisectoral AIDS Conference
2nd National Multisectoral AIDS Conference ------------------------------------------ 16 - 20 December 2002 Arusha International Conference Centre, Tanzania HIV/AIDS has been recognized to be a major national crisis of un- precedented magnitude and impact hence a wide range of preventive in- tervention activities including political advocacy and active in- volvement at the highest level has taken place. Tanzania AIDS Society and Tanzania Commission for AIDS in collabora- tion with the National AIDS Control Programme in the Ministry of Health and Universities and other Higher Learning Institutions in the country, International Development Partners on AIDS in Tanzania (DAC- HIV/AIDS), Community based organizations, non governmental organiza- tions, civil societies and several other national institutions have seen it appropriate to organize the 2nd Multisectoral AIDS Conference in order to review the progress being made in responding to the AIDS crisis and deliberate on how the fight against AIDS can be intensi- fied in the future. The conference will offer policy makers, professionals involved in HIV/AIDS prevention and control, researchers, private and business sectors, people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), the affected communi- ties, faith groups, international development partners including the United Nations system and other interested groups and individuals the opportunity to share the latest advances in knowledge, experiences, skills and technology in responding to the challenges brought about by the HIV/AIDS crisis. It is designed to be a forum for "collective sharing of knowledge, experiences, dilemmas, frustrations and hopes and prospects for a better future with less HIV/AIDS by Tanzanians and their international partners; it is an opportunity to confront the crisis and to ask why has the problem become so difficult to pre- vent and control? Details on the conference can be found at: http://www.muchs.ac.tz/sa/index.htm Dr. Bergis Schmidt-Ehry Chair DAC-HIV/AIDS-Group P.O.Box 65350 Dar es Salaam, Tansania Tel: +255-22-2152-422 Fax: +255-22-2152-420 Mobile +255-744-580-208 mailto:bergis.gtz@africaonline.co.tz -- To send a message to AFRO-NETS, write to: afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org To subscribe or unsubscribe, write to: majordomo@usa.healthnet.org in the body of the message type: subscribe afro-nets OR unsubscribe afro-nets To contact a person, send a message to: afro-nets-help@usa.healthnet.org Information and archives: http://www.afronets.org