XIV International AIDS Conference, July 7 – 12
2002 Barcelona, Spain
XIV International AIDS Conference, July 7 – 12, 2002 Barcelona, Spain Conference Receives Record Number Of Abstract Submissions Website: http://www.aids2002.com/rugg ".....The XIV International AIDS Conference has received almost 10 500 abstract submissions from the world's leading scientists, clinicians, community representatives and people living with HIV/AIDS. This is the highest number of submissions ever received in the history of the series of international AIDS conferences........." This message from the Division of Health and Human Development, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate information related to Equity, Health inequality; socioeconomic inequality in health; socioeconomic health differentials. Gender, Violence, Poverty, Health Economics, Health Legislation, Ethnicity, Ethics, Information Technology and Virtual Libraries, Research & Science issues. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAHO/WHO Website: http://www.paho.org/English/HDP/equidad-list-about.htm EQUIDAD List - Archives: http://listserv.paho.org/Archives/equidad.html