Jobs and Announcements

Africa Regional Association Of Occupational Health Congress
25–27 August 2011: Johannesburg, South Africa

The Africa Regional Association of Occupational Health (ARAOH) Congress is to be hosted by the South African Society of Occupational Medicine Conference (SASOM) from 25–27 August 2011 in Johannesburg, South Africa. To register for the event visit the link provided.

BRAC University Admission to MPH Programme [International]
Application deadline: September 30, 2011

The BRAC University is calling for applicants for its Masters of Public Heath programme. Since its inception, the School has received 191 diverse students from different corners of the globe such as South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Australia, North and South Americas, and Europe. The graduates move on to work for their respective governments, national and/or international NGOs, or with various donor and UN agencies. Additionally, universities and research organizations also acquire a large number of our MPH students. The MPH curriculum is structured to maximize learning around the health problems faced by communities in Bangladesh, and elsewhere. This includes extensive field-based instructions complemented by interactive classroom based work in teams. The School has a generous scholarship programme that aims to promote global access to the MPH amongst potential students from all over the world based on merit. The admission process includes an application, reference letters, statement of interest in public health, individual and group interviews, as well as written and oral tests.

Call for concept notes: IDRC launches new NCD prevention research programme
Deadline for submissions: 23 September 2011

IDRC's Non-Communicable Disease Prevention programme (NCDP) is a newly approved programme, running from 2011 to 2016, that will provide a response to the major development challenges associated with the rapid rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries. The goal of the NCDP programme is to generate new knowledge to inform the adoption and effective implementation of policies and programmes that are low cost but can have a high impact on reducing the NCD burden and improving overall population health in low-and middle-income countries. To that end, the programme will focus on healthy public policies by targeting its research funding on: regulation, legislation and fiscal policies that address the common NCD risk factors, and cost-effective population-wide programmes or community-based interventions that address the common NCD risk factors and that have the potential to be scaled up or translated to policy. IDRC is calling for concept notes on research to expand fiscal policies for global and national tobacco control and research to support interventions that promote healthy diets.

Call for papers for the WHO Bulletin
Deadline For Submissions: 20 October 2011

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is calling for papers for all sections of the Bulletin and encourage authors to consider contributions that address any of the following topics: disease burden assessments in low-income countries, since information in this area is scarce; vaccination implementation and policy, particularly on the cost and public health benefit of vaccination programmes; and the evaluation of nonpharmaceutical public health measures since these are widely described as control measures, but there is less published evidence on their effectiveness than for pharmaceutical interventions (vaccines and medicines). In particular, WHO seeks submission of papers that document experiences from low-resource settings.

MSF launches: Revising TRIPS for public health: An ideas contest
Deadline: 19 September 2011

On the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the Doha Declaration, Medicins sans Frontieres (MSF) is launching an ‘ideas contest’ on how to revise TRIPS so that it genuinely meets global public health needs. Contestants are asked to respond to the following question: Can TRIPS be reformed to meet public health needs? If your answer is YES, describe your idea for how the treaty should be changed. If NO, explain why not, and propose an alternative. Anyone is eligible to submit an entry, either as an individual, a team, and/or on behalf of an institution. The contest seeks to attract ideas from around the world from creative thinkers who may be academics, students, activists, analysts, government officials, journalists, or from the private sector. Submissions from low- and middle-income countries are particularly encouraged. There are two submission options: Option 1: A written essay of 500-1000 words (excluding footnotes and references). Option 2: An audio visual entry: video, audio, slideshow or photofilm of no more than five minutes. Submissions should succinctly describe a proposal to change the TRIPS Agreement so that it is conducive to global public health.

Program Officer’ with OSF's Public Health Program: Access to Essential Medicines Initiative
Application Deadline: August 26, 2011

The Open Society Foundations seek a full-time Program Officer in its New York office to work with the Public Health Program’s Access to Essential Medicines Initiative. The overall goal of the Access to Essential Medicines Initiative (AEMI) is to promote increased access to essential medicines in developing countries and countries in post-socialist transition, especially for poor and marginalized populations for whom this access is likely to be elusive. The AEMI pursues this goal by developing civil society capacity for advocacy and leadership on access to medicines at national, regional, and international level, with a specific focus on global South/Eastern European advocates.

Second Summit of the Movement for Global Mental Health: Cape Town, South Africa: 17 October 2011
Closing date for registration: 31 August 2011

The Second Summit of the Movement for Global Mental Health forms part of the World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health. The event will provide a shared platform for professionals and persons affected by mental disorders, active participation of delegates in discussions and debates, and the launch of a new Lancet series on Global Mental Health. The Wellcome Trust will also be providing free registration to a limited number of delegates from low- and middle-income countries. In order to receive free registration, please log onto to and click on the link to register online.

Seventh Public Health Association Of South Africa (PHASA) Conference: 28-30 November 2011: Gauteng, South Africa
Early Registration Deadline: 4 August 2011

With increasing global evidence of the widening international, intergroup and interpersonal inequalities in all dimensions of health and human well-being, the 2011 PHASA conference will focus on scientific debate and discussion on health inequities and the role of public health leadership, education and practice in reducing health equity gaps. The programme includes speakers who are policy-makers, leading local and international academics and representatives of international organisations, such as the World Health Organisation and the World Federation of Public Health Associations. The conference theme, ‘Closing the health equity gap: Public health leadership, education and practice’, forms the basis of a review of the progress that South Africa has made in achieving equity in health status, health care, the social determinants of health and access to resources. The conference will also serve as a country-level build-up to the 2012 conference of the World Federation of Public Health Associations, which will focus on global progress in achieving equity.

United Nations Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases
19-20 September 2011: New York, United States

The United Nations (UN) General Assembly will be holding a UN Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) from 19-20 September 2011. The Summit will focus on the four most prominent non-communicable diseases, namely, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. The aim of the summit is to agree on a global strategy to address NCDs. The UN Summit on NCDs is the second of its kind to focus on a global disease issue. The first UN Summit related to health was the HIV/AIDS meeting in 2001 which led to the creation of the Global Fund. Non-communicable disease indicators are on the agenda for discussion and acceptance of the goals could lead to the future earmarking of overseas development aid to address cancer and other NCDs in developing countries.

Africa Regional Association Of Occupational Health Congress
25–27 August 2011: Johannesburg, South Africa

The Africa Regional Association of Occupational Health (ARAOH) Congress is to be hosted by the South African Society of Occupational Medicine Conference (SASOM) from 25–27 August 2011 in Johannesburg, South Africa. To register for the event visit the link provided.
