Jobs and Announcements

Call for nominations of NGO delegate 2009-2010 for Africa

The NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB has vacancies for two-year terms, beginning 1 January 2009 and ending 31 December 2010, for the position of Africa Alternate Delegate. This represents a unique opportunity for committed activists and HIV/AIDS advocates to make a difference to HIV/AIDS policy implementation in their regions. The position of NGO Delegates to the UNAIDS PCB is important to the effective inclusion of community voices in the key global forum for HIV/AIDS policy. NGO Delegates represent the perspectives of civil society, including people living with HIV, within UNAIDS policies and programming. The closing date is Tuesday, 31 August 2008.

Further details: /newsletter/id/33140
Call for proposals: International Women’s Programme - Equality and justice under the rule of law

The mission of the International Women's Programme (IWP) of the Open Society Institute is to use grant-making and programmatic efforts to promote and protect the rights of women and girls in priority areas around the globe where the principles of good governance and respect for the rule of law are absent or destroyed because of conflict. IWP seeks to promote the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality in law and practice, and the empowerment of women to ensure participation in the democratic processes. Organisations can apply for one- to three-year grants, ranging from US$25,000 to US$200,000. The deadline for proposal submissions is 7 July 2008.

Call for proposals: Small research grants for patient safety

The aim of this new initiative of the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety is to stimulate research in patient safety worldwide by providing funding for small research projects. It is envisaged that the initiative will also contribute to building local research capacity as well as help raise awareness about patient safety issues. Proposals to identify, develop and/or test local interventions for improving patient safety, as well as studies on the cost-effectiveness of risk-reducing strategies, are invited. Funding will be available to support up to 30 projects to begin in 2009. Grants of between US$10,000 and US$25,000 per project will be awarded on a competitive basis. The grants will target well-defined research projects that can be completed within 12–18 months. Research in all methodological and clinical disciplines that address patient safety is encouraged. The proposed studies may be conducted in any health-care setting. Research to be conducted in developing countries and countries with economies in transition is particularly encouraged. The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2008.

Feminist Perspectives on Globalisation
IDRC, Carleton University, University of Ottawa: 29 June 2008

This two-year (2008-2010) programme offers highly qualified researchers working on issues of globalisation from a feminist perspective, from developing countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the South Pacific, the opportunity to spend a research term in Ottawa based at one of the two universities. The Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalisation will contribute to gender and development research at both universities and provide a unique opportunity for collaboration between feminist scholars in Canada and the developing world and between North and South. The Pauline Jewett Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies and the Institute of Women’s Studies will alternate in welcoming one visiting scholar per year. However, both Institutes look forward to the opportunity of engaging with the Visiting Scholar. Applications are invited for the 2008-2009 Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalisation to be based at the Pauline Jewett Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies at Carleton University. (In 2009-2010, the Visiting Scholar will be based at the University of Ottawa Institute of Women’s Studies.)

Further details: /newsletter/id/33209
Global Fund Board: Round 9 of Universal Access talks

The Global Fund Board just announced the launch of round 9 which will open on 1 October 2008. This is an additional round in order to accelerate progress towards Universal Access and will be followed by the next in March 2009. The opening date is 1st October 2008, the closing date (submission deadline) is not finalised yet and the round 9 grants are expected to be approved by May 2009. Round 9 will use the same proposal form and guidelines that were issued for round 8 - without changes. Round 9 is for new proposals, and it is also an opportunity for countries to resubmit proposals that were rejected in round 8, six months earlier than usual. CCMs will receive Technical Review Panel (TRP) reviews for round 8 one month earlier than usual, so that they have them in time for preparing the round 9 application if necessary.

IPHU Porto Alegre, Brazil, 8-19 September, 2008
International People’s Health University, June 2008

IPHU and the People’s Health Movement in association with the School of Public Health of Rio Grande do Sul are pleased to announced 'The Struggle for Health', a two week short course for health activists, scheduled for 8-19 September, 2008. The Porto Alegre IPHU will address all of the 'standard' objectives of other IPHU courses. Participants should come prepared: to describe in some detail an activist project or campaign or movement that they have been directly involved in; to describe in sufficient detail for the strategies, theories and skills of practice to be evident; and to provide an overall assessment of the health challenges in their country and the status and prospects for PHM. Students should also come prepared to comment on the implications for their own countries of the material covered in the different topics. For example: what is the extent of brain drain and what is being done about it; what is the role of the WB and IMF in health sector reform; what are the implications of the WTO (eg GATS); what is the role of the GFATM in own country; and access to medicines? The courses involve: lectures, small group discussions, debates, workshops and field trips and follow up study. Resource materials will take the form of hard copy readings, lecture notes and websites. Applications should be submitted on the internet.

PhD position: School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

The School of Public Health is one of the research partners in a four-year EU-funded research project (INCO-DEV) being implemented in three Southern African countries (Angola, Mozambique and South Africa). The study aims to understand how the rise of Global Health Initiatives (e.g. Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, PEPFAR etc) has impacted the architecture of development partnerships and country-level health systems’ functions. They are calling for applications from South African junior researchers who will be part of a research team that has been put together to implement the GHIs project.

Further details: /newsletter/id/33235
Tender notice: Review of the SADC HIV and AIDS strategic framework (2003-2007) and the instruments for its operationalisation
SADC Secretariat, June 2008

The SADC Secretariat is inviting tenders to review the SADC HIV and AIDS Strategic Framework (2003-2007) and the instruments for its operationalisation. The deadline for the bid is 7th July 2008 at 16.00hrs. Tenders should be admitted in two sealed separate envelopes clearly labeled Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal and both with the inscription: REVIEW OF THE SADC HIV AND AIDS STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. The proposals should be addressed to: The Secretary, SADC Internal Tender Evaluation Committee (SITEC), SADC Secretariat, KHAMA CRESECENT, PRIVATE BAG 0095, BOTSWANA. Please note that faxed or emailed proposals will not be considered. The terms of reference are available at the link above.

Think Tank Initiative: Applications invited

The Think Tank Initiative invites applications from independent African organisations that are committed to using research to inform and influence social and economic policy. The Initiative will provide multi-year funding to promising think tanks, and will work with successful applicants to improve their organizational performance. The Think Tank Initiative is a new, multi-donor program dedicated to strengthening independent policy research institutions – or “think tanks” – in developing countries, enabling them to better provide sound research that both informs and influences policy. The Initiative will focus its activities in East and West Africa, South Asia and Latin America. The deadline for submissions is 19 August 2008.

Understanding access to medicines: Consultation note for a global research network proposal

The UK Department for International development (DFID) is considering the establishment of a global Access to Medicines Research Network (ATM RN). Is it anticipated that this network will bring together research institutions from developed and developing countries to enhance the available evidence on how to make medicines affordable and accessible to the poorest populations. To inform the design of the ATM RN DFID is now holding an open consultation with interested parties. An online survey is available from 1-30 June. All are invited to send your views and comments to inform the establishment of the network (use the link provided).
