Jobs and Announcements

Third Global Review of Aid for Trade
Geneva, Switzerland: 18-19 July 2011

Is aid for trade working? This is the question that the Third Global Review of Aid for Trade will seek to address when it convenes in July 2011. The Review will evaluate progress in terms of the Aid-for-Trade Work Programme 2010-2011, which was issued on 27 November 2009. The work Programme’s aim is to keep an on-going focus on aid for trade, which will generate continued impetus to resource mobilisation, mainstreaming, operationalisation and implementation of aid for trade projects. The Work Programme is complemented by Aid-for-Trade meetings, culminating in the Third Global Review of Aid for Trade. The World Trade Organisation is hosting the event.

UCT hosts a programme for Scholars at Risk to spend between 6 and 12 months at UCT, with a focus on Scholars in Africa
The closing date for application submission is 20 April 2011

The University of Cape Town (UCT) in partnership with the Sigrid Rausing Trust announces a new opportunity to benefit academic scholars at risk.
The proposed opportunity is aimed at helping academic scholars who are at political risk in African countries, and/or those academics within African countries at risk through lack of resources and governmental support, many of whom are women. It will include some academics defined as 'at risk' through the New York - based Scholars at Risk organization.
The Programme varing from 3 months to 12 months duration, started in 2007. 'At risk' academics will be able to further their studies at UCT, to build their CVs, and re-establish their careers. Candidates will be selected based on their ability to add to academic endeavour, whether they can be suitably housed within the various host faculties and their departments, and on their need. The Application form and further information can be requested from Ms Norma Derby, International Academic Programmes Office,

World Health Organisation call for papers: Violence against women as a health issue
Submissions may be made throughout 2011

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is inviting submissions of papers describing research that addresses violence against women. WHO is particularly interested in research with a strong intervention focus, including ways to get violence against women onto different policy agendas, lessons about how to address some of the challenges policy-makers face, and innovative approaches to prevention or service provision, including community-based programmes in both conflict- and crises-affected and more stable settings. Papers may address more neglected forms of violence against women or provide evidence on the costs and cost-effectiveness of intervention responses. Descriptive research that contributes to a better understanding of the global prevalence and costs of violence, or that provides evidence about the root causes of such violence, will also be considered.

Applications open for membership of the Advisory Group on Funding Priorities
Closing date: 20 March 2011

The World Health Organisation and UNITAID are looking for individuals wishing to serve on UNITAID’s Advisory Group on Funding Priorities (AGFP). The AGFP aims to contribute to scaling up access to treatment for HIV and AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis for people in developing countries by leveraging price reductions of quality drugs and diagnostics, which currently are unaffordable for most developing countries, and to accelerate the pace at which they are made available. It is an independent expert panel that assists in identifying – according to the UNITAID Strategy endorsed by the Board - potential priority niches of high-market and public health impact to be funded by UNITAID. Members of the AGFP are high-level experts with academic or major organisational experience in their fields of work, which will also be the areas of UNITAID's focus. The panel is broadly constituted, comprising members with expertise in the public health aspects of UNITAID’s areas of work, health economics, market dynamics, programme management, health research and new product development. Submissions should be sent to arrive no later than Sunday 20th March 2011.

Call for applicants for Fondation Ensemble’s Small Grants Fund
Deadline: 11 March 2011

Fondation Ensemble’s Small Grants Fund provides funding in the areas of animal biodiversity, water and sanitation, and sustainable development. The Small Grants Fund of the Foundation represents the 15% of its annual endowment and it has no geographical priorities (proposals can be submitted from around the world). Small and medium-sized NGOs are especially encouraged to apply to this Fund. Please note that half the funds are available for programmes to conserve threatened animal species, while the other half is evenly shared between water and sustainable development projects. The maximum amount of money that will be invested per project by the Foundation is 30,000 Euros. Fondation can provide up to 50% of the total budget. There are two separate application forms under this Fund. For projects relating to water and sustainable development, please note that you should use the Small Grants form.

Call for applicants: African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics
5-19 May 2011: Johannesburg, South Africa

The African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE) is a high-level training programme in development economics that aims to build capacity in economics and economic policy-making. The course will run for two weeks and consist of lectures and seminars taught by leading international and African economists. This call is directed at African, Asian and Latin American economists, policy makers and civil society activists who, if selected, will be fully funded. Only 30 applicants will be selected.

Call for contributions to the World Health Report 2012
No closing date given

Plos Medicine and the World Health Organisation (WHO) are calling for contributions to its World Health Report 2012, which will be themed ‘No Health without research’. Research in any of the following areas may be submitted: setting and implementing health research priorities; building, strengthening, and retaining research capacity, at both the individual and institutional levels; national research and development initiatives and experiences to produce needed medical products using TRIPS flexibilities; appropriate use of evidence in health policy development; organizing research within a country, including the establishment of effective research networks and sustainable governance mechanisms; standards and mechanisms to ensure the responsible conduct of research; exercises to evaluate the impact of research investments; and external foreign aid for research. Once a paper is accepted for publication in a PLoS journal it will then be forwarded to the selection panel for the collection. This panel, which will comprise PLoS and WHO staff, will decide on the articles for inclusion in the collection.

Call for papers: African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines
No closing date given

The African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines will publish a special issue in 2011 entitled ‘Reviews of Modern Tools in Traditional Medicines’. Experts may write on any of the following topics: specific case management studies in traditional medicines, traditional medical practice in different systems of traditional medicines, African, Chinese or Indian traditional medicines, complementary and alternative medicines, other systems of traditional medicines, evaluation of herbal products as potential medicines/drugs, clinical trials of herbal medicines, traditional medicines and HIV and AIDS, chemical profiling of herbal medicines, cultivation of medicinal plants, safety evaluation of herbal products/medicines, standardisation of herbal medicines, packaging of herbal products, economics of herbal medicines, and biotechnology and traditional medicines. Accepted papers after review will be published without the usual publication fees. Abstracts of accepted papers may also appear in French. Authors should please read the instructions for authors on the journal’s website in preparing their manuscripts. Papers should be uploaded online on the journal’s website or sent to the editor and marked ‘Paper for Special Issue’.

Call for participants in consultation on global health priorities
Global Health Research Initiative: 2011

Canada’s Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI) is inviting researchers and decision-makers from around the world to participate in an online consultation process to identify global health research priorities. The results of this exercise will be used to inform the development of the next strategic plan of the Global Health Research Initiative and GHRI will also share the results on the Web with the global health community. Filling in the online form should take between eight and ten minutes.

External funders for small community-based organisations
How Matters: 2011

This webpage provides links to external funders that give small, unrestricted grants internationally to directly support community-based organisations and groups. The grants are intended to help small, local organisations firmly establish themselves as civil society institutions within their community. Grants amounts are less than US$20,000.
