Governance and participation in health

Civil society influence on national governance
Idasa, Economic Governance Programme, August 2008

This report covers the Civicus Participatory Governance Programme: How can we build political for participatory governance, 17-18 June 2008. Although participatory governance offers important concrete benefits for citizens and state actors alike, there is often initial resistance from political actors and government offiicals who are unfamiliar with such approaches. This small working group session involved three case studies which describe and analyse Civil Society Organisation approaches to building political will for participatory governance.

Community approaches to preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission: Perspectives from rural Lesotho
Towle M and Lende DH: African Journal of AIDS Research 7(2): 219–228, 2008

This paper examines the cultural and structural difficulties surrounding effective prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) in rural Lesotho. It argues for three strategies to improve PMTCT interventions: community-based research and outreach, addressing cultural and structural dynamics, and working with the relevant social groups that impact on HIV prevention. These conclusions are based on interviews and participant observation conducted within the rural Mokhotlong district and capital city of Maseru, involving women and men of reproductive age, grandmothers serving as primary caretakers, HIV and AIDS programme staff and medical professionals. Qualitative analysis focused on rural women's socio-medical experience with the four measures of PMTCT (educational outreach, voluntary counselling and testing, antiretroviral interventions and safe infant feeding). Based on these results, the paper concludes that intervention models must move beyond a myopic biomedical ‘best-practices' approach to address the social groups and contextual determinants impacting on vertical HIV transmission. Given the complexities of effective PMTCT, our results show that it is necessary to consider the biomedical system, women and children, and the community as valuable partners in achieving positive health outcomes.

How to facilitate community-led total sanitation
Kar K and Chambers R: Plan International, 2008

Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) is a participatory process focused on promoting change in sanitation behaviour through social action - stimulated by facilitators from within or outside the community. Aimed at empowering local communities this handbook is a source of ideas and experiences to be used for CLTS orientation workshops, advocacy to stakeholders as well as for implementing CLTS activities. It is intended as a tool for field staff, facilitators and trainers to plan, implement and follow up on CLTS activities. A sequence of possible steps and tools, including do’s and don’ts, are provided to help trigger CLTS in a community. They include pre-triggering, selecting a community, introduction and building rapport, triggering participatory sanitation, profile analysis, ignition moment, post-triggering action, planning by the community, follow up, scaling up and going beyond CLTS. Users are encouraged to use and modify the processes outlined in this handbook as they see fit for their given context.

Innovation for sustainable development: Local case studies from Africa Innovation in Africa: Addressing local sustainable development challenges
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2008

This report aims to shed light on the way innovative solutions have arisen to address local sustainable development challenges, examining the determinants of success and the scope for replication. The report focuses on the African experience. The volume is composed of ten case studies, selected for their truly innovative nature, effective implementation, significant outputs and generation of real social welfare improvements, grouped under five headings: enhancement of agriculture and fisheries, protection of ecosystems, water management, health improvement and sustainable tourism. Practical conclusions drawn from the case studies include: sustainable projects need to link environmental goals to income generation, draw upon local knowledge and ideas, ensure effective buy-in from stakeholders through local community involvement in project design and implementation, and employ financially self-sustaining business models external forces which impact on a project and affect conditions for success, including international markets and national legislation. In some cases though, local success can provide arguments for more accommodating national policies to facilitate replication and scaling up simplicity in project design. Committed seed capital and integration of local traditions and cultural heritage appear to be important success factors for innovative local initiatives.

Markets, information asymmetry and health care: Towards new social contracts
Bloom G, Standing H and Lloyd R: Social Science and Medicine 66(10): 2076-2087, 2008

In many parts of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa there is a growing gap between official accounts of how health systems operate and realities on the ground. Researchers in this study looked at how to gain access to competent health care in environments where there are growing but unorganised markets in goods and services, blurred boundaries between the public and private health care sectors, and a lack of state regulation. The researchers used the frame of the ‘social contract’ (an implicit agreement among people that results in the organisation of society) and focused on the problem of information asymmetry (inequalities in access to information) and associated power relationships, in particular those between patient and health care provider. Their paper highlights the importance of trust to relationships at all levels of the health system. Findings show that different ways of generating trust in goods and services, and new forms of regulation have emerged. The researchers call for greater understanding of the institutional context in which health systems operate in developing countries. They also stress the need to avoid dictating policy according to the experiences of developed countries. Instead, future debates will need to focus on how governments can create regulatory partnerships and enable improved access to information, building on the new social contracts that are already emerging.

Beyond 2008: Global civil society tells UN to fix international drug policy
Drug War Chronicle 543, 18 July 2008

About 300 delegates representing organisations from across the drug policy spectrum met in Vienna for the Beyond 2008 NGO Forum, an effort to provide civil society input on global drug policy. Building on a series of regional meetings last year, the forum was part of an ongoing campaign to reshape the United Nations' drug policy agenda as the world organisation grapples with its next 10-year plan. The NGO meeting, which included drug treatment, prevention, education and policy reform groups, harm reduction groups and human rights groups from around the world, resulted in a resolution that will be presented to the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) at its meeting in March 2009. At that meeting, the CND will draft the next UN 10-year global drug strategy.

From poverty to power: How active citizens and effective states can change the world
Green D: Oxfam International, 2008

From Poverty to Power, Oxfam International's new book, provides critical insights into the massive human and economic costs of inequality and poverty and proposes realistic solutions. It proposes that the best way to tackle them is through a combination of active citizens and effective nation states. Why active citizenship? Because people living in poverty must have a voice in deciding their own destiny, fighting for rights and justice in their own society, and holding states and the private sector to account. Why effective states? Because history shows that no country has prospered without a state structure than can actively manage the development process.

The shrinking space for civil society and changing donor dynamics
Tiwana M: CIVICUS Civil Society Watch, 26 July 2008

A dominant theme at DENIVA’S 4th International Conference on NGO Accountability, Self Regulation and the Law at Kampala was the shrinking space for civil society. This global trend is reported to be affirmed by the findings of the CIVICUS Civil Society Index, given the particular context of the global “war on terror”. Sadly, even in well-entrenched democracies, where civil society space was hitherto considered safe, there are negative trends. In current circumstances, it is critical that the international community remains alive to the steady roll back on civil society space and hard fought civil liberties across the world. This imperative is underscored by the economic meltdown in ‘western democracies’ where much of the funding for democratic reform and civil society initiatives comes from. Ensuring the sustainability of civil society organisations working on the advancement of health, human and democratic rights is one such means.

Citizen Participation in Budgeting: Prospects for Developing Countries
Moynihan DP: Participatory Budgeting, The World Bank, Washington DC: 55-87

Participation is important in developing countries as a means of improving the performance and accountability of bureaucracies and improving social justice. There are two basic criteria for participation: it should be broadly representative of the population and should involve meaningful discourse that affects public decision-making. Reviews of participation in Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) processes show that these criteria have not been met in most cases. However citizen involvement in budgeting has been more successful. Citizen participation made local service delivery more efficient and effective in the country cases reviewed. In most of the case studies, NGOs analysed the budget and mobilised citizens. These NGOs seek to represent the poor and disseminate their views to the government. They do not offer direct citizen involvement, but without their involvement participation would be reduced. Budget participation can influence governments even where they have not embraced direct involvement of citizens in decision-making. This depends on NGOs communicating analyses of spending choices, public service effectiveness, and budget execution to the public, media, and elected officials. A key policy implication for donors is therefore targeted support to civil society. However, donors and NGOs often overlook the importance of government administrations in implementing participation.

Civil society principles on the IHP+

Civil society members and advocates for health care from all over the world met to discuss the International Health Partnership and Related Initiatives (IHP+) 'Scaling Up for Better Health Plan', aimed at strengthening primary health care to achieve the health-related MDGs for developing countries around the world, including Africa. In order to deliver on its stated goals, they believe the IHP+ must commit to a minimum set of guidelines. These civil society member and advocates stand united on three key principles that they consider non-negotiable: 1) Comprehensive primary health care must be provided for all. 2) Governments must pay their fair share. 3) The people’s voices must be heard.
